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Old 10-18-2010, 02:44 PM   #13
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gee, we are sure full of good ideas. to me it comes down to how much of a rush are you in.

now for my two cents worth.

it does seem like the valves need to be replaced or repaired. if they are sticking partially shut all it will do is force the outcoming pooppressure to be higher when it does come out.

i would work on getting all the liquid out, fix the valves so i am sure they are working. then work on getting what you think is a bunch of solid poo dissolved. i replumbed my toilet and know my tanks pretty well. it is hard for me to imagine anyplace that there is a plug of poo THAT big that it would stop all the outcoming stuff from coming out. i really suspect the valves are stuck. if you do replumb the valve and put completely new ones in. make sure you do yourself a favor and do what wally says. his new setup is really nice as you can remove it all in a flash to repair or replace the valves in the future. now i know you have a slight problem in that all your plumbing is probably covered with an aluminum panel, wally and i dont have that.

btw, to clean my tank, i put a little water and i think 15 bags of ice down the toilet then went for a long drive.

also, i am sworn off of nasty chemicals in the tank after cleaning up a bottle of formaldahyde under the bathroom sink the first time after buying the coach 3 years ago. it just about killed us. i use bacteria now.

thats my two cents worth. but, please, when you ignore me like most people should, please video what you do with hydraulic and air pressure to compression explode the poo out. i really want to see it. please put a camera in the bathroom too so i can see the stream shoot up out of the toilet.

happy monday

2002 45'8" Coach
2008 Honda CRV toad
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